Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New wheels and new crops

"Just jump into a car with a beautiful girl, a dog, and a bad tourist map of wine country and go for a drive."
    On our first blog, that's how I told you how I got into farming here in Ontario. A lot has changed since last that first entry. We are up in Meaford now with a much wider range of plants, a bigger more fertile piece of land for growing veggies and a  beautiful old farmhouse. The beautiful girl is still with me. The dog is a bit more grey as am I, but she is still full of energy. But this week saw another  big change in our little farm. We finally have a truck. We got a got a little Mazda pickup this week and it acquitted itself well on its inaugural trip to the farm. It should make a lot of jobs a whole lot easier. So welcome to the team little red truck.
   While it wasn't the recommended farm truck, I would like to send out a little ode to my old "truck"  Lainie's VW Golf. This little car hauled Lainie, Ella and I, volunteers, seedlings, compost, timber, veggies, tents, water pumps, tillers... week after week she went back and forth from the Niagara and later started the season up at Meaford. This farming venture would never have got of the ground without that little black car. So while it is gone back to hauling camera gear around town, it is not forgotten.
    The season is really starting to take off as those of you who are eating our veggies know. The beets are up, the lettuces and spinach have been having a good run. Peas are coming ripe now and there are hundreds of little green tomatoes everywhere you look. we also have some stuff we have not grown before like tomatilo and strawberry spinach. looking forward to seeing how they turn out. Its 11 pm and i have to hit the road to the farm in the morning. I'll post again soon with news of the latest ripe veggies.

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