Thursday, September 1, 2011

New pics

As the summer rolls forward, we just wanted to share a few pics from the last few weeks. It has been really busy and also alot of fun. We've made so many new friends this summer and are having such a great time talking about and eating great healthy food.
Special Shout Outs to:
   • Mark and Joyce from Sunrise Organics for their mentorship, wisdom and patience with us.
   • Len Senater from The Depanneur , our new neighbourhood food hotspot where we are a part of "interesting food things" happening.
• Everyone who has been a part of the experiment and experience we call Prairie Boy. You continually inspire and encourage us. 
Sincere Thanks,
Grant and Lainie
Grant bragging
Lainie's gigantic farming hat
Prairie Boy Food Terminal
Garlic Angel, Mark Grahlman
Kelli Grahlman, Son of Garlic Angel
Carrots, being carrots
Nosey Cherry Tomato
Siamese Cherry Tomatoes
Beautiful Sunflower