It's been a crazy 10 days filled with harvesting, cleaning, drying, growing, delivering, friends. visiting, dinners, sunburn, mosquito bites, laughter, tears, helping, sharing and some serious cases of weed back. Self diagnosis of sore back from weeding. Here is a peak into our last hard, rewarding, busy 10 days. -Lainie
Free Farm newbies Lisa and Julian
Julian in the neighbours' Soy at sunset
Julian picking beans
friends coming for dinner
sweaty farmer Grant
Grant, Jim and Olen harvesting garlic
Jim and Olen Lesson 1: cleaning garlic and putting dirt in bucket
First veg boxes/stockings for delivery
Espelette Peppers from Spain
Ah Houston, we have a Tomato problem
Big A** Heirloom Tomato
Zucchini Blossoms-new and old
Corns - something has been knocking down stalks
Crookneck Squash
Baby Watermelon
Green Tomatillos
Cylindra Beets
Rainbow Swiss Chard