Friday, August 5, 2011

10 days in pictures

It's been a crazy 10 days filled with harvesting, cleaning, drying, growing, delivering, friends. visiting, dinners, sunburn, mosquito bites, laughter, tears, helping, sharing and some serious cases of weed back. Self diagnosis of sore back from weeding. Here is a peak into our last hard, rewarding, busy 10 days. -Lainie
 Free Farm newbies Lisa and Julian
 Julian in the neighbours' Soy at sunset
 Julian picking beans
friends coming for dinner
 sweaty farmer Grant
Grant, Jim and Olen harvesting garlic
 Jim and Olen Lesson 1: cleaning garlic and putting dirt in bucket

 First veg boxes/stockings for delivery
 Espelette Peppers from Spain
 Ah Houston, we have a Tomato problem
 Big A** Heirloom Tomato
 Zucchini Blossoms-new and old
 Corns - something has been knocking down stalks
 Crookneck Squash
 Baby Watermelon
 Green Tomatillos
 Cylindra Beets
Rainbow Swiss Chard


  1. I am so incredibly impressed at the quality of your veggies. What are you using to deter slugs and all the other critters that usually destroy beets or lettuce or garlic, etc.? I get hungry whenever Lainie posts pics! Pat yourself on the back big time from me! Also, are you sharing recipes?

  2. Hi Irene. Sorry for the delay in responding. So glad you are enjoying the site and veg. Let us know if you want stuff when you come to town or send your email and we will add you to the weekly email.
    Luckily we don't have major problems with slugs. When we first planted the tomatoes, we put out beer in tupperware. Caught a few. Birds probably get most of them? We planted beets and lettuces next to radishes and the bugs liked the radish greens better. I read somewhere that you could sacrifice radishes to save lettuces and it worked!! We did lose alot of things like our arugula, celery, first round of carrots etc. We don't do much. Replant and sleep with fingers crossed ;) Next year we hope to afford floating row covers and a greenhouse which will help.
    We are trying to share recipes with people who get the veg every week depending on whats available. We hope to have time after this season to put a recipe section on the blog. Great suggestion though. It's coming. Stand by. Thanks for the interest and support!
